More of the Same!

It was nice having Mike Ekert up to the Lodge again in June for 10 days of fishing and relaxation.

We enjoyed some fantastic action and managed to reel in a few trophies as well. In 3.5 hours one evening, we averaged 1 laker every 5.5 minutes. When you take into account landing our catch, “dental surgery”, re-rigging, and a few cold “pops”, we were busy!

One of the highlights was landing this nice Laker with an equally impressive fish dangling out of it’s mouth!

The fishing at Rutledge gets better with every season and 2023 is no different.

What Works?

When corresponding with guests prior to their visit to the Lodge, I’m often asked, “What lures should we bring for big Lakers?” We all have a favorite and at Rutledge we definitely have ours.

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When I returned home, I contacted Tom Davis of Rhys Davis Lures and purchased several cases of teasers in an assortment of colors. We continue to enjoy incredible action using teasers and are our preferred lure for Lakers.

Battered and Bruised, Best Trip Ever!

Have you returned home from a fishing trip battered and bruised with aching muscles and joints? Well we did this June and it was the best trip ever! How ironic, the big “lunker” had eluded Rob the past few years. This June while nursing a torn rotator cuff, Rob couldn’t keep big lakers off his favorite hook! Six in one day! Yes, in one day! Maybe not battered and bruised from reelng in big Laker’s, but stiff and sore…yup!

Max Gets It Done!

Max Kappeler enjoyed a great trip to the Lodge this spring.  He started the trip off with a nice laker and finished  on the last morning with a 35lb beauty.  It was Max’s biggest fish to date, and our cameras…yes our cameras were back at camp!

Max has confirmed he’ll be back next spring to get that picture!

Another Great Trip to the Lodge!

June 2017.

As usual, Rob Day from Edmonton was enjoying incredible action with his green herring teaser, me and my purple haze teaser not so much!  With rain clouds heading our way, we decided to troll over to the filleting island, clean ourcatch for lunch and then hustle home to avoid getting wet.

As we got closer to the shallows between our position and the fileting island, Rob smiled, “Got one!”  I started to reel in slowly hoping to snag one myself and”‘Bam” doubleheader.    After much confusion and plenty of laughs, we managed to land both, snap a quick picture and then release the scrappy pair.   We decided to finish our troll, another 100 yards or so before passing over the shallows before the island.  After finding our “dental equipment” which seemed to be scattered  everywhere in the mayhem, we rigged up and continued our troll.

In anticipation of the shallows, we  watched the depth finder closely.  First 30′, 20′, 15 and then 6′!                “Reel in quick, we’re there!” Rob said.  We both started to reel in our line when I felt a tug and my reel began to scream as the line was peeling off!  Because of the depth, I started whining, “Big pike, the bugger’s going to take my favorite hook!”  We were using 30lb mono for a leader and a pike’s teeth can easily cut the line.  Rob was bent over laughing and mocking me as I continued cursing, “Don’t take my hook you big ******!”  My line still zinging off the reel, “Hey, we’ve got to go.  I’m running out of line!”  Rob fired up the motor and started to follow so I could  recoup some line.  My drag was set quite tight, the fish tired and the big run stopped.  Rob cut the engine and the fight continued.  We were now in about 15′ of water, the fish was still trying desperately to get to deeper water.  I slowly started to regain my line back and soon we got our first look.

Rob yelled, “It’s not a pike, it’s a big Lake Trout!”

Once we had the lunker securely in the net, we both started to laugh (in the rain!).  Rob smacked me on the back so hard I nearly went into the drink!

Rob continued to out fish me as usual, catching some  nice lakers as well.  Truly another memorable trip to the Lodge!

My First Big Laker

June 2007. 

It was getting late into our trip and everyone had caught at least one big laker with the exception of myself.  Travis had caught two 20 pounds or better and Rob had two including a 36 pound beauty.   I was fishing from the same boat, using the same hook and letting out the same amount of line yet I was having no luck with the big lunkers!

At first I thought, “Oh S*** I’m hung up!”  It didn’t take long to realize I had a big laker on the line.  Straight down to the bottom and there it stayed.  Ten minutes into the fight I thought I’d muscle the lunker up.  I put some extra pressure on the rod and  for a brief second I thought I’d pulled the hook out and lost the fatty!.  Needless to say there may have been a few choice words!   There was no horsing it up, it was a stalemate for another few minutes until finally up it started.  Once at the surface, Rob scooped and we had landed my first big lake trout.  We quickly removed the hook, were amazed at the half eaten whitefish still in it’s mouth, took some pictures and released it to catch another day.  I can still remember the excitement of catching my first big laker, a thrill I won’t forget anytime soon!

Harold 2013

In 2013, Harold Wagner put on a fishing clinic during his stay at the Lodge.  Harold’s top 3 tipped the scale at 20 lbs., 28 lbs. and a Trophy in excess of 30 lbs.  This despite some nasty weather and a “Rookie Netter” that nearly botched landing 2 of Harold’s 3 big Lakers. Luckily,  things ended well and Harold didn’t have to throw me overboard!


Dean 2012

On June 18, 2012, it was just another day on Rutledge Lake.  The weather was good, the company was great, and the fishing was fantastic.  The fishing got even better when Rob Day from Edmonton landed and released after a 15 minute scrap, a nice laker weighing approx. 25  lb.  Once back in camp, there was some needling going on (Part of the fun, if you’re the lucky one)! The rest of the guys thought Rob might very well have the “MONEY” Laker on our first full day of fishing.
The next morning, we loaded up our gear and set out to beat the previous days catch.  Ten minutes later Dean DesRoches from Edmonton  hooked a trophy laker in the 25 lb. range.   After landing this beauty and getting some pics, Dean  released the laker back into the water.  A little more than an hour later, Dean was reeling in an even bigger laker in excess of 30 lbs!  This lunker was also released.  Before the trip was over, we had caught 7 between 20 – 30 lbs.  five were caught within a stones throw of camp.  Dean’s 30 lber turned out to be the “MONEY”  catch of the trip.  Although I don’t remember anyone actually paying Dean!